1. Project’s name: Collecting and treating waste water for Di An, Thuan An, Tan Uyen Areas
2. Project’s name: Collecting and treating waste water for Di An, Thuan An, Tan Uyen Areas
3. Governor: Binh Duong PPC.
4. Project’s Employer: Binh Duong Water-Environment Joint Stock Company (BIWASE)
5. Designing Consultancy: Joint Venture of ELIQUO-WATER & ENERGY BV and Viet Nam Environmental Engineering and Construction JSC.
6. Supervising Consultancy: Water Supply- Sewerage -Environment Consultancy JSC (WASE).
7. Contractors:
7.1 Dai Phu Thinh Limited Company (implementing package 01)
7.2 Joint venture of No 5. Construction Joint Stock Company and Thep Moi Constructing-Consulting- Investing Limited Company - (implementing package 02)
8. Projects’s target, scope and investment content
8.1. Project’s target:
- Collecting and treating domestic waste water from residential areas, industrial factories under the project in compliance with standard for treated waste water before being discharged into receivers.
8.2. Project’s scope:
- A part of An Phu, Binh Chuan and Thuan Giao wards, Thuan An town; a part of Tan Phuoc Khanh ward and all Thai Hoa ward, Tan Uyen town; all Tan Binh ward, Di An town, with total area of 3,380 ha for the 3 towns.
8.3. Project’s investment content:
- Construction of waste water collecting system+06 lifting pumping station+01 Sewage treatment plant with capacity of 15,000m3/day. Biology treating technology is able to treat input waste water at class B standard and output waste water at class A .
9. Total investment cost:
Total investment cost of the project is 893,411 Mil.VND (Eight hundred ninety three thousand four hundred eleven million Vietnam dong);
- Funding source: Local funding source and ODA Loan under ORIO programe, granted by the Netherlands Government .
10. Implementing period
- From 2013 - to 2016 prepararion for investment and detail design .
- From 2016 – to 2018 Procurement and Construction.
11. Photos of Layout and construction of Sewage Treatment Plant